Basic HTML "Markup" for Formatting a Webpage

This article can be used both as a stand-alone reference or as Part 4 of our series on making a t-statistic calculator web app. Please see Part 1 for an overview of this project.


We've seen how to create a (very) basic webpage by adding text to an HTML document. In this article, we introduce the basics of formatting that text.



  1. Let's add some more content to our webpage!


  2. Let's open our new changes in a web broswer:


    Notice your web browser interprets \© as "©". This is because \© is the "unicode" for the copyright symbol. This is our first example of the web browser "interpreting" HTML in a different way that it appears as plain text.


  3. Hmm... it looks like our line breaks were not conserved. All of our content looks very cluttered. We can use a "markup" element (i.e., the "M" in HTML; HyperText Markup Language) to separate our lines: the <p> </p> tags. Anything that we put between these two tags will be in a separate "paragraph:"


  4. And when we open this up in the browser, it looks a bit cleaner!


    Notice also that I used the <h1></h1>tags to make the first line of text appear as a heading.


Okay, our webpage is looking a bit bitter. It's hardly a "web app" though. A web app runs a program that is displayed to the user through a webpage. In this series, our program will calculate the p-value that corresponds to two numbers that the user will provide: a t-statistic and the degrees of freedom. So, the next step is to add some HTML to our webpage that allows us to prompt the user for that data: text input elements!


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